Word of the day Metamorphic
Metamorphic meaning in Hindi
रूपांतरित; जो किसी रूप, संरचना या अवस्था में परिवर्तन से गुजर चुका हो
Rupantarit; jo kisi roop, sanrachna ya avastha mein parivartan se guzar chuka ho
Metamorphic meaning in English
Relating to a process of change, especially in form or structure, often due to external forces like heat or pressure.
Metamorphic Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Transformational, changed, altered, evolving, restructured
Metamorphic Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Stable, unchanging, constant, fixed, static
Word Metamorphic Uses and Examples
The scientist studied the metamorphic changes in the minerals to understand Earth’s geological history.
विज्ञानी ने खनिजों में रूपांतरित परिवर्तनों का अध्ययन किया ताकि पृथ्वी के भूगर्भीय इतिहास को समझ सके।
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