Word of the day Interweave
Interweave meaning in Hindi
मिलाना; दो या अधिक चीजों को एक साथ जोड़ना या बुनना।
Interweave meaning in English
To blend or combine two or more elements closely together, like threads in a fabric.
Interweave Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Entwine, blend, intertwine, mix, mesh
Interweave Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Separate, detach, divide, unweave
Word Interweave Uses and Examples
The author skillfully interweaves historical facts with fiction in the novel.
लेखक उपन्यास में ऐतिहासिक तथ्यों को कल्पना के साथ कुशलतापूर्वक मिलाते हैं।
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