Inelegant | Day 661 | Word of the day

Word of the day Inelegant


Inelegant meaning in Hindi


अशिष्ट; बिना शिष्टता या सुंदरता के

Ashisht; bina shishtata ya sundarta ke


Inelegant meaning in English

Lacking grace, refinement, or taste


Inelegant Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Clumsy, awkward, ungraceful, crude, unrefined

Inelegant Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Elegant, graceful, refined, polished, tasteful


Word Inelegant Uses and Examples

1. His inelegant speech failed to impress the audience.
उसका अशिष्ट भाषण दर्शकों को प्रभावित करने में असफल रहा।

2. The design of the building is functional but inelegant.
इमारत की डिज़ाइन कार्यात्मक है लेकिन अशिष्ट है।

3. She found his behavior quite inelegant and rude.
उसने उसके व्यवहार को काफी अशिष्ट और असभ्य पाया।

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