Word of the day Humorous
Humorous meaning in Hindi
मज़ेदार; हास्यप्रद
Mazedaar; haasyaprad
Humorous meaning in English
Full of or characterized by humor; funny or amusing
Humorous Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Funny, amusing, comical, witty, entertaining
Humorous Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Serious, solemn, unfunny, grave
Word Humorous Uses and Examples
1. His humorous remarks made everyone laugh.
उसके मजेदार टिप्पणियों ने सबको हंसा दिया।
2. She has a humorous way of telling stories.
कहानियां सुनाने का उसका तरीका बहुत हास्यप्रद है।
3. The movie is filled with humorous scenes.
फिल्म में मजेदार दृश्यों की भरमार है।
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