Herculean | Day 151 | Word of the day

Word of the day

Herculean meaning in Hindi


कुछ एसा जिसमें बहुत मेहनत लगे

Kuchaisa jismein bahut mehnat lage

Herculean meaning in English

Something that requires great strength or effort

Herculean Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Arduous, gruelling, laborious

Herculean Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Cheap, easy


1. It was a herculean effort.

2. She faces the herculean task of bringing up four children single-handedly.

3. She had the herculean task of bringing up four children single-handedly.

4. The underlying scholarly labour has been herculean.

5. I wish him well in his herculean task.


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