Word of the day Gusto
Gusto meaning in Hindi
उत्साह; आनंद के साथ करना
Utsah; anand ke saath karna
Gusto meaning in English
Great enjoyment, enthusiasm, or eagerness in doing something.
Gusto Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Enthusiasm, zest, zeal, fervour
Gusto Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Apathy, indifference, reluctance
Word Gusto Uses and Examples
She tackled the project with gusto, determined to make it the best she could.
उसने Project को उत्साह के साथ किया, यह तय करते हुए कि वह इसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ तरीके से करेगी।
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