Glutton | Day 790 | Word of the day

Word of the day Glutton


Glutton meaning in Hindi


पेटू एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जो बहुत ज़्यादा खाना खाता है, भले ही उसका पेट भर जाये।


Glutton meaning in English

A person who eats or consumes food excessively or in an overly greedy manner.


Glutton Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Overeater, Pig, Gourmand, Greedy person, Gluttonous person

Glutton Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Moderate eater, Abstainer, Temperate, Disciplined, Self-controlled


Word Glutton Uses and Examples

Tina isn’t a glutton; she enjoys a meal but knows when to stop and never overeats.
टीना पेटू नहीं है, वो ख़ुशी से खाना खाती है और उसे ये भी पता है कि कब रुकना है और ज़्यादा नहीं खाती है।

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