Generous (ˈजे̮नरस्)
दानशील या दानी होना
daansheel ya daani hona
उदार या दरियादिल होना
Udaar ya dariyadil hona
Generous meaning in English
Showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected
showing kindness towards others
Pronunciation – jeh-nuh-ruhs
Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
liberal, lavish, magnanimous, munificent, giving, open-handed, free-handed, bountiful, unselfish, ungrudging, unstinting, unsparing, free, indulgent, prodigal, princely, bounteous, plenteous, eleemosynary, benignant
Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
selfish, mean, petty, small, frugal, spare, sparing, thrifty, chary, stinting, acquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, desirous, grasping, hoggish, itchy, mercenary, rapacious, begrudging, envious, grudging, resentful
Also, read some more related words
cheap, close, closefisted, costive, illiberal [archaic], mingy, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, selfish, stingy, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous
1. He was generous enough to give her money.
2. It is generous of you to lend him money.
3. She is a generous woman.
4. She’s a really sweet person and she’s generous to a fault.
5. The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few months.
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