Word of the day Frost
Frost meaning in Hindi
तुषार; ठंड के कारण जमना या जमना
Tushar; thand ke karan jamna ya jamna
Frost meaning in English
(Verb) To cover or become covered with frost; to freeze.
(Noun) A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing.
Frost Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Freeze, ice, chill, hoarfrost
Frost Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Thaw, melt, warm
Word Frost Uses and Examples
1. The grass was covered in frost this morning.
सुबह घास पर तुषार जमी हुई थी।
2. The cold weather caused the windows to frost over.
ठंड के मौसम के कारण खिड़कियों पर तुषार जम गया।
3. Farmers are worried about the frost damaging their crops.
किसान इस बात से चिंतित हैं कि तुषार उनकी फसलों को नुकसान पहुंचाएगा।
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