Frolic | Day 131 | Word of the day

Word of the day

Frolic meaning in Hindi


आनंद, उल्लास

Aanand, ullas

Frolic meaning in English

Cheerful, merry

Frolic Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

bouncy, bubbly, buoyant, crank [chiefly dialect], effervescent, exuberant, frolicsome, gamesome, high-spirited, vivacious

Frolic Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

low-spirited, sullen


1. The frolic atmosphere that envelops New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

2. They were frolic when we met them.

3. He used to be a frolic person.

4. She looks frolic.

5. I will be frolic there.

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