Word of the day Ethereal
Ethereal meaning in Hindi
अलौकिक; कुछ ऐसा जो अत्यधिक सुंदर, नाजुक, या दिव्य हो, और जो इस दुनिया से बाहर का अहसास कराए।
Ethereal meaning in English
Something extremely delicate, light, or beautiful in a way that seems otherworldly or heavenly. It often conveys a sense of grace or unearthly charm.
Ethereal Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Delicate, heavenly, celestial, sublime, exquisite
Ethereal Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Earthly, mundane, solid, coarse, ordinary
Word Ethereal Uses and Examples
The ethereal glow of the moonlight made the landscape look magical.
चांदनी की अलौकिक चमक ने दृश्य को जादुई बना दिया।
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