Word of the day Ensue
Ensue meaning in Hindi
परिणामित होना; उत्पन्न होना; आने का परिणाम होना
Parinamit hona; utpann hona; aane ka parinam hona
Ensue meaning in English
To happen or occur afterward as a result
Ensue Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Follow, result, come after, succeed
Ensue Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Precede, forego, precede
Word Ensue Uses and Examples
1. After the initial negotiations, a period of uncertainty ensued.
प्रारंभिक बातचीत के बाद, अस्थिरता का एक काल उत्पन्न हुआ।
2. If we don’t take action now, serious consequences will ensue.
अगर हम अब कार्रवाई नहीं करेंगे, तो गंभीर परिणाम होंगे।
3. When the new policy was implemented, chaos ensued.
जब नया नीति को लागू किया गया, तो अराजकता हो गई।
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