Divert | Day 585 | Word of the day

Word of the day Divert


Divert meaning in Hindi


हटाना; मोड़ना; रास्ता बदलना

Hataana; Morna; Rasta Badalna

Divert meaning in English

To cause someone or something to change course or turn from one direction to another.


Divert Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Redirect, deflect, reroute, deviate, sidetrack

Divert Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Straighten, guide, focus, direct, channel


Word Divert Uses and Examples

1. The construction work diverted traffic away from the main road.
निर्माण कार्य ने मुख्य सड़क से यातायात को हटा दिया।

2. The comedian’s jokes were able to divert everyone’s attention from their worries.
कॉमेडियन के चुटकुले सभी की चिंताओं से ध्यान हटा सके।

3. She tried to divert the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic.
उसने चिंताजनक विषय से बातचीत को हटाने का प्रयास किया।

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