Dismal | Day 633 | Word of the day

Word of the day Dismal


Dismal meaning in Hindi


उदासीन, निराशाजनक, अंधकारमय

Udaseen, nirashajanak, andhkaarmay


Dismal meaning in English

Causing a mood of gloom or depression; very bad or poor


Dismal Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Gloomy, dreary, bleak, depressing, miserable

Dismal Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Cheerful, bright, happy, joyful


Word Dismal Uses and Examples

1. The weather was dismal, with constant rain and gray skies.
मौसम निराशाजनक था, लगातार बारिश और धूसर आसमान के साथ।

2. The team’s performance was dismal, leading to their defeat.
टीम का प्रदर्शन निराशाजनक था, जिससे उनकी हार हुई।

3. After hearing the dismal news, she felt utterly hopeless.
निराशाजनक खबर सुनने के बाद, वह पूरी तरह से निराश हो गई।

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