Word of the day
Derail meaning in Hindi
किसी गाडी का पटरी पर से उतर जाना।
Kisi gaadi ka patri par se utar jana
किसी चीज़ को सफल होने से रोकना।
kisi cheez ko safar hone se rokna
Derail meaning in English
To cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks accidentally
To stop something from succeeding
Derail Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
dash, end
Derail Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
- Investors are very concerned that a new crisis could derail the economic recovery.
- Analysts identified five factors which could derail the hi-tech markets.
- Over time, that should help women whose careers have often been derailed by maternity leave.
- Use this as a learning experience but don’t let this derail you from any of your work.
- It is derailing and defensive, presenting as fear, anger, guilt, silence and silencing.
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