Cord | Day 699 | Word of the day

Word of the day Cord


Cord meaning in Hindi


रस्सी, डोरी; तार या धागे की लम्बी पतली पट्टी

Rassi, dori; taar ya dhaage ki lambi patli patti


Cord meaning in English

A long, thin, flexible string or rope made from several twisted strands.


Cord Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Rope, string, twine, thread, line

Cord Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Unbind, loosen


Word Cord Uses and Examples

1. The package was tied with a strong cord.
पैकेज को एक मजबूत डोरी से बांधा गया था।

2. He wore a silver cord around his neck as a necklace.
उसने अपनी गर्दन के चारों ओर एक चांदी की डोरी पहन रखी थी।

3. The blinds are operated by a simple pull cord.
परदे को एक साधारण खींचने वाली डोरी से संचालित किया जाता है।

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