Cogent | Day 779 | Word of the day

Word of the day Cogent


Cogent meaning in Hindi


सुसंगत; ऐसा तर्क या प्रमाण जो स्पष्ट, प्रभावी और समझने में सरल हो।


Cogent meaning in English

Clear, logical, and convincing; often used to describe an argument or reasoning that is strong and well-supported.


Cogent Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Convincing, compelling, forceful, persuasive, coherent

Cogent Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Weak, unconvincing, illogical, ineffective, vague


Word Cogent Uses and Examples

The lawyer presented a cogent case, leaving no room for doubt.
वकील ने एक सुसंगत मामला प्रस्तुत किया, जिससे कोई संदेह नहीं रहा।

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