Claw | Day 666 | Word of the day

Word of the day Claw


Claw meaning in Hindi


नाखून; पंजा

Nakhoon; Panja


Claw meaning in English

A curved, pointed appendage found at the end of a limb in some animals, used for grasping or holding


Claw Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Talon, nail, pincer, hook

Claw Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Flat, blunt, smooth


Word Claw Uses and Examples

1. The cat sharpened its claws on the scratching post.
बिल्ली ने खरोंचने के लिए बने खंभे पर अपने नाखून तेज किए।

2. He felt the bird’s claws dig into his shoulder.
उसने पक्षी के पंजों को अपने कंधे में धँसते हुए महसूस किया।

3. The crab’s claws can inflict a painful pinch.
केकड़े के पंजे दर्दनाक चुटकी ले सकते हैं।

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