Chop | Day 667 | Word of the day

Word of the day Chop


Chop meaning in Hindi


काटना; छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में बांटना

Kaatna; chhote-chhote tukdon mein baantna


Chop meaning in English

To cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife


Chop Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Cut, slice, dice, cleave, hack

Chop Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Combine, join, unite, connect


Word Chop Uses and Examples

1. She chopped the vegetables for the salad.
उसने सलाद के लिए सब्जियाँ काट दीं।

2. The lumberjack chopped down the tree in no time.
लकड़हारे ने तुरंत ही पेड़ काट दिया।

3. Please chop the onions finely for the recipe.
कृपया इस रेसिपी के लिए प्याज को बारीक काटें।

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