Distress | Day 159 | Word of the day

Word of the day

Distress Meaning in Hindi


किसी को परेशान या नाराज़ कर देना

Kisi ko pareshaan ya naraaz kar dena


बहुत दर्द या मुश्किल में होना

Bahaut dard ya mushkil mein hona


गंभीर संकट में किसी की मदद की ज़रूरत होना

Gambhir sankat mein kisi ki madad ki zarurat hona

Distress meaning in English


To make somebody very upset or unhappy


the state of being very upset or of suffering great pain or difficulty


the state of being in great danger and needing immediate help

Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Pain, grieve, anguish, upset, suffering, despair

Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Soothe, happiness, comfort, please, calm, comforting


1. We were distressed because we incurred huge loss this year.

2. He was not trying to distress you at all. Please understand that.

3. The tragic death of his beloved has caused him extreme emotional distress.

4. The ship’s captain informed that it was in distress.

5. She was in extreme distress when I met her at her son’s funeral.






October 3, 2022

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