Quarter | Day 683 | Word of the day

Word of the day Quarter


Quarter meaning in Hindi


चौथाई; एक चौथाई हिस्सा; किसी समय या क्षेत्र का एक भाग

Chauthai; ek chauthai hissa; kisi samay ya kshetra ka ek bhaag


Quarter meaning in English

One of four equal parts; a period of three months; a part or region of a city or area


Quarter Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Fourth, section, area, division, part

Quarter Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Whole, entirety


Word Quarter Uses and Examples

1. He paid a quarter of the total amount.
उसने कुल राशि का एक चौथाई हिस्सा चुकाया।

2. The company’s earnings increased in the last quarter.
कंपनी की कमाई पिछले तिमाही में बढ़ी है।

3. We live in the old quarter of the city.
हम शहर के पुराने हिस्से में रहते हैं।

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