Idiom of the day | Look how far the peanut jumped | Day 589

Idiom of the day – Look how far the peanut jumped


Look how far the peanut jumped

English Meaning – To over-exaggerate something which is not major

Hindi Meaning – छोटी या तुच्छ बात को बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर पेश करना


Look how far the peanut jumped Example

They argued over such a small issue, making it seem like it was important when it really wasn’t—look how far the peanut jumped!

उन्होंने इतनी छोटी बात पर बहस की, जैसे यह बहुत important हो, जब वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं था—देखो मूंगफली कितनी दूर कूदी

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