Phrases related to Jewellery: The Allure of Simple and Elegant Jewellery

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“Exploring the world of jewellery and ornaments is not just a delightful journey into fashion but also a fantastic way to enhance our English language skills. This collection introduces us to a variety of accessories, from sparkling diamond pendants to bohemian feather earrings. By learning about each piece, we not only discover the art of personal adornment but also enrich our vocabulary with new words and expressions. So, let’s embark on this stylish adventure, where every phrase related to jewellery unveils not just the beauty of ornaments but also the charm of the English language.”


Phrases related to Jewellery


1. Shimmering sapphire ring

Hindi Meaning: एक अंगूठी जिसमें चमकता हुआ नीला नीलम सजा हुआ है।

English Meaning: A ring adorned with a sparkling blue sapphire.

Example: A ring with a shining blue stone.


2: Crystal drop earrings

Hindi Meaning: Crystal से सजी हुई कान की बालियाँ।

English Meaning: Earrings with dangling crystal embellishments.

Example: Earrings with hanging crystal beads.


3 : Rose gold heart locket

Hindi Meaning: Rose gold से बना एक दिल shape का locket – (Locket) एक आभूषण है जो छोटे धागे, सलाई, या तार के साथ बना होता है और यह खुला और बंद किया जा सकता है।।

English Meaning: A heart-shaped locket made of rose gold.

Example: A locket shaped like a heart in pinkish gold.


4: Beaded anklet with bells

Hindi Meaning: मोतियों से सजी anklet (पायल) – Anklet एक एसा आभूषण है जो पैर में पहना जाता है। यह आमतौर पर छोटे घेरे, घुंघराले, मनके, या अन्य सजावट से सजा होता है।।

English Meaning: An anklet adorned with beads and small bells.

Example: An anklet with tiny bells and colorful beads.


5: Dainty pearl tiara

Hindi Meaning: मोती सहित कोमल मुकुट जैसा माथे का आभूषण – (Tiara) एक खास प्रकार का मुकुट है जो आकाशीय राजा-रानियों, शादीशुदा महिलाओं या अन्य विशेष अवस्थाओं में सिर पर पहना जाता है। ।

English Meaning: A delicate crown-like headpiece with pearls.

Example: A small, elegant crown made of pearls.


6 : Turquoise stone pendant

Hindi Meaning: Turquoise stone वाला एक pendant – (Pendant) एक आभूषण होता है जो आमतौर पर गले में लटकता है और हल्के से बड़े रिंग या तार, के साथ आता है।

English Meaning: A pendant (a piece of jewellery that hangs on a chain worn around the neck) featuring a turquoise gemstone.

Example: A hanging charm with a blue-green stone.


7 : Silver anklet with charms

Hindi Meaning: चांदी की पायल।

English Meaning: An anklet made of silver with dangling charms.

Example: A silver anklet with small decorative charms.


8: Filigree gold bangle

Hindi Meaning: सुंदर रूप से design किया गया सोने का कड़ा।

English Meaning: A gold bangle intricately designed with delicate patterns.

Example: A gold bracelet with fine, detailed patterns.


9: Gemstone cluster brooch

Hindi Meaning: रत्नों से सजीवित brooch – (Brooch) एक चिपकने वाला आभूषण होता है, जिसमें सुरक्षित करने के लिए pin होती है।

English Meaning: A decorative pin adorned with a cluster of gemstones.

Example: A brooch with a group of colorful gemstones.


10: Boho-style feather necklace

Hindi Meaning: बोहेमियन style का हार जिसमें पंख हैं ।

English Meaning: A necklace with bohemian flair featuring feathers.

Example: A necklace with a free-spirited, feathered design.


11: Pearl cluster hairpin

Hindi Meaning: मोतियों के समूह से सजीवित hairpin।

English Meaning: A hairpin adorned with a cluster of pearls.

Example: A hairpin with a grouping of small pearls.


12: Engraved silver locket

Hindi Meaning: जटिल नक़्शे वाला चांदी का locket।

English Meaning: A locket made of silver with intricate engravings.

Example: A silver locket with detailed carvings.


13: Crystal teardrop necklace

Hindi Meaning: आँसू के आकार के crystal के साथ एक हार ।

English Meaning: A necklace featuring teardrop-shaped crystals.

Example: A necklace with crystal pendants in the shape of teardrops.


14: Gold-plated cuff bracelet

Hindi Meaning: सोने की plating के साथ एक कड़ा ।

English Meaning: A bracelet with a layer of gold plating.

Example: A cuff bracelet with a gold-plated finish.


15: Vintage charm anklet

Hindi Meaning: पुराने fashion के charm वाली पायल ।

English Meaning: An anklet with a nostalgic and old-fashioned charm.

Example: An anklet that exudes vintage allure.


16: Sapphire stud earrings

Hindi Meaning: छोटे, सुंदर नीलम पत्थरों के साथ कान की बाली।

English Meaning: Earrings featuring small, elegant sapphire stones.

Example: Stud earrings with delicate sapphire gems.


17: Charm-embellished choker

Hindi Meaning: सजीवित चोकर हार जिसमें सजावटी चार्म्स हैं – (Choker haar) एक घेरे गए रूप में बना हुआ necklace है जो किसी भी size में प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

English Meaning: A choker necklace adorned with decorative charms.

Example: A close-fitting necklace with charming embellishments.


18: Ruby-encrusted bracelet

Hindi Meaning: Ruby gemstones से सजीवित किया गया कड़ा।

English Meaning: A bracelet adorned with embedded ruby gemstones.

Example: A bracelet with small, embedded rubies.


19: Silver filigree nose ring

Hindi Meaning: चांदी की nose ring जिसमें जटिल filigree work है।

English Meaning: A nose ring made of silver with intricate filigree work.

Example: An elegant nose ring with detailed silver patterns.


20: Gemstone-encrusted brooch

Hindi Meaning: रत्नों के समूह से सजीवित brooch।

English Meaning: A brooch adorned with an array of gemstones.

Example: A decorative pin with various colorful gemstones.


21: Boho bead and feather bracelet

Hindi Meaning: Bohemian-style का कड़ा।

English Meaning: A bracelet with bohemian-style beads and feathers.

Example: A wristband with a boho touch, featuring beads and feathers.


22: Intricate gold pendant

Hindi Meaning: सोने का pendant, जटिल design के साथ।

English Meaning: A pendant made of gold with intricate and detailed design.

Example: A gold pendant with complex and fine details.


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23: Pearl drop chandelier earrings

Hindi Meaning: झूमर की style के चांदनी earings जिनमें pearl drop हैं।

English Meaning: Chandelier earrings with dangling pearl drops.

Example: Earrings with a chandelier design and hanging pearls.


24: Crystal-encrusted hair comb

Hindi Meaning: Crystal से सजीत hair comb।

English Meaning: A hair comb adorned with embedded crystals.

Example: A decorative hair comb with sparkling crystals.


25: Antique silver anklet

Hindi Meaning: पुरानी चांदी की एंकलेट।

English Meaning: An anklet with an old-fashioned silver design.

Example: An anklet with a vintage charm in silver.


26: Hammered gold cuff

Hindi Meaning: Hammered gold से सजीवित textured cuff bracelet 

English Meaning: A cuff bracelet with a textured, hammered gold finish.

Example: A bracelet with a unique hammered gold texture.


27 : Opal pendant necklace

Hindi Meaning: Opal gemstone के साथ एक pendant वाला हार।

English Meaning: A necklace featuring a pendant with an opal gemstone.

Example: A necklace with a pendant adorned with opal.


28: Charm-adorned toe ring

Hindi Meaning: आकर्षण से सजीत toe ring।

English Meaning: A toe ring decorated with small, attractive charms.

Example: A toe ring with tiny and charming embellishments.


29: Classic diamond stud

Hindi Meaning: छोटी सी, classic diamond की बाली ।

English Meaning: A small, classic diamond stud earring.

Example: A timeless earring with a single diamond stud.


30: Geometric silver bangle

Hindi Meaning: चांदी का कड़ा जिसमें modern geometric design है।

English Meaning: A bangle with a modern geometric design made of silver.

Example: A silver bangle with contemporary geometric patterns.


31: Ivory bead charm bracelet

Hindi Meaning: हाथीदांत रंग के मनके और charm से सजीवित कड़ा।

English Meaning: A bracelet adorned with ivory-colored beads and charms.

Example: A wrist accessory with ivory beads and attractive charms.


32: Enamel flower brooch

Hindi Meaning: Enamel से बना फूल की design वाला brooch।

English Meaning: A brooch featuring a flower design made of enamel.

Example: A pin with a floral pattern in colorful enamel.


33: Delicate silver nose pin

Hindi Meaning: नाज़ुक सोने की nose pin

English Meaning: A small and delicate nose pin made of silver.

Example: A subtle silver accessory for the nose.


34: Moonstone drop earrings

Hindi Meaning: चाँदनी रत्न की कान की बाली।

English Meaning: Earrings with dangling moonstone gemstone drops.

Example: Earrings with lunar-inspired gemstone drops.


35: Turquoise beaded anklet

Hindi Meaning: फ़िरोज़ा रंग के मनके से सजीवित पायल।

English Meaning: An anklet adorned with turquoise-colored beads.

Example: An ankle bracelet with vibrant turquoise beads.


36: Hoop earrings with charms

Hindi Meaning: छोटे लटकते हुए charm से सजीवित hoop earings

English Meaning: Hoop earrings decorated with small, dangling charms.

Example: Earrings with circular hoops and charming embellishments.


37:  Opulent emerald bracelet

Hindi Meaning: एक शानदार कड़ा, जिसमें खूबसूरत हरे रत्न हैं।

English Meaning: A luxurious bracelet adorned with rich green emerald gemstones.

Example: An extravagant wristband with emerald stones.


38: Polished silver cufflinks

Hindi Meaning: चमकदार और चमकीले चांदी के cufflink – (Cufflinks) एक पुरुष अथवा औरत के कमीज़ के कफ को सुसज्जित रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल होने वाला एक आभूषण है।।

English Meaning: Cufflinks made of shiny and polished silver.

Example: Sleek and polished silver cufflinks.


39: Beaded charm anklet

Hindi Meaning: मनके और charm से सजीवित पायल।

English Meaning: An anklet adorned with both beads and small charms.

Example: An ankle bracelet with a combination of beads and charms.


40: Elegant pearl hairpin.

Hindi Meaning: एक शानदार design वाली hairpin जिसमें मोती हैं।

English Meaning: A hairpin with an elegant design featuring pearls.

Example: A stylish hair accessory with refined pearls.


41: Adjustable leather choker.

Hindi Meaning: एक साइज़ में समायोज्यित होने वाली लेदर की चोकर हार 

English Meaning: A choker necklace made of leather that can be adjusted in size.

Example: A versatile and adjustable leather choker.


42: Crystal cluster tiara.

Hindi Meaning: चमकते हुए cluster के समूह से सजीवित tiara

English Meaning: A tiara adorned with a cluster of sparkling crystals.

Example: A regal headpiece with a group of crystals.


43: Hammered brass bangle.

Hindi Meaning: Textured hammered brass से बना कड़ा।

English Meaning: A bangle made of textured, hammered brass.

Example: A bracelet with an artisanal feel in hammered brass.


44: Coral bead statement necklace.

Hindi Meaning: हार जिसमें coral मनके हैं।

English Meaning: A bold and vibrant necklace featuring coral beads.

Example: A striking necklace with large coral beads.


45: Lustrous pearl cluster earrings.

Hindi Meaning: चमकीले मोतियों से सजीवित की गई कान की बाली।

English Meaning: Earrings adorned with a group of shiny pearls.

Example: Earrings with a cluster of lustrous pearls.


46: Sterling silver heart locket.

Hindi Meaning: उच्च sterling silver से बना heart-shaped locket

English Meaning: A heart-shaped locket made of high-quality sterling silver.

Example: A precious locket in the shape of a heart, crafted from sterling silver.


47: Hammered bronze cuff bracelet.

Hindi Meaning: Bronze से बना bracelet

English Meaning: A bracelet with a textured, hammered finish made of bronze.

Example: A cuff bracelet with an artisan touch in hammered bronze.


48: Engraved rose gold locket.

Hindi Meaning: गुलाबी सोने से बना हुआ locket

English Meaning: A locket made of rose gold with intricate engravings.

Example: A special locket with delicate designs on rose gold.


49: Dazzling crystal hairpin set.

Hindi Meaning: चमकते हुए crystals से सजीवित pin set

English Meaning: A set of hairpins adorned with sparkling crystals.

Example: A collection of hairpins that shine with dazzling crystals.


50: Crystal-embellished velvet choker.

Hindi Meaning: Velvet से बनी और crystals से सजीवित चोकर हार।

English Meaning: A choker necklace made of velvet and adorned with crystals.

Example: A luxurious velvet choker with sparkling crystal embellishments.



In summary, continue to explore and practice with phrases related to jewellery which can contribute significantly to your language proficiency by offering a creative and enjoyable way to learn and reinforce vocabulary, descriptive language, and cultural nuances.

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